The Lady Vanishes
Alfred Hitchcock
Comedy Romance Mystery Thriller
What’s it all about: It’s the 1930s, when people were a tougher breed. Margaret Lockwood goes through the entire movie with an untreated concussion, and Michael Redgrave climbs out the train window and into the next car after downing a spiked brandy. Should the locomotive lose its engineers to gunplay, even the musicologist will know how to operate it to safety.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: espionage
Relics: coded messages, sugar cubes, fictitious European countries
Hoops: a lead actress who faints a lot
Heartthrob: Linden Travers
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: plucky dialogue
LoFi Magic: a narrow miss by a passing train
Words to live by: “Nuns don’t wear high heels.”
Makes me want to: arrive in London dressed smart
Candotti Take: n/a
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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