Vice Squad
Sunset Strip
Gary Sherman
Action Crime Thriller
What’s it all about: Season Hubley is a hardworking working girl who barely has time for a hot dog. But even with a psycho pimp and a controlling cop on her tail, she still manages to do a little birthday shopping for her daughter between tricks.
First Encounter: HBO as a kid; Candotti’s first viewing
Prostitute Index: off the charts
Death By: pimp stick
Relics: beaded cornrows, motorcycle leather bar, hotel switchboard
Hoops: the sidekick cop getting shot in the shoulder; a chaotic night of bookings at the precinct; a prostitute reflects in a mirror
Heartthrob: Maurice Emanuel
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Nina Blackwood
LoFi Magic: ‘whores, faggots, pimps, hustlers, junkies, drag queens and freaks’; a brawl between cops, criminals and Velvet Elvises
Words to live by: “Don’t even talk to me, jive ass, unless you’ve got some money.”
Makes me want to: go for spaghetti at Jones
Candotti Take: “A prostitute version of Princess Diana.” / “A classic LA movie with guns, cars and explosions.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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