Danny Perez
Black Comedy Horror
What’s it all about: I’ve seen it twice and I’m still not sure. Hard-partying Natasha Lyonne nurtures the mysterious baby growing inside her with bong hits and experimental psychedelics. Meg Tilly shows up with that haunted look on her face.
First Encounter: at the IFC Center
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: implosion
Relics: crochet throw blankets
Heartthrob: Chloë Sevigny
LoFi Magic: Funzone gynecology hallucination; nightclub bathroom-stall miscarriage montage
Makes me want to: see another movie by Danny Perez. Come on, Danny!
Candotti take: (see comments)
Lucas take: this is more my speed
Duane take: (see comments)
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#indiefilm #soundtrack #bodyhorror #funzone #dannyperez #megtilly #natashalyonne #husbandotti #filmfest