Blood Simple
Hutto, Texas
Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Black Comedy Crime Thriller
What’s it all about: Back when Frances McDormand was “fun.” John Getz finds out it’s hard to trust anybody when you yourself are pulling a fast one. Forensic Files would have a field day with the crime scenes in this movie.
First Encounter: VHS in the ‘90s
Prostitute Index: low
Death By: dirty double-cross
Relics: lighter, pistol, clamshell compact, jackknife, stack of cash – handheld objects that are not phones
Heartthrob: Dan Hedaya
LoFi Magic: dive bar lighting, bullet hole lighting, sex by highway-headlight lighting; drunk tracking shot down the bar; bug zapper and dumpster fire as simultaneous metaphors for Dan Hedaya’s fury
Makes me want to: lock my door and close the blinds
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#indiefilm #lonestarnoir #blackcomedy #memmetwalsh #francesmcdormand #chins #dialogue #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest