I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing


Toronto, Ontario

Patricia Rozema

Indie Comedy Drama 

What’s it all about: Sheila McCarthy’s daydreams change the course of her day job as the Girl Friday to an elegant art curator.

First Encounter: at the Esquire Theatre with Margann; Candotti’s first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: art talk

Relics: saggy 80s sweaters, using wite-out on a typo

Heartthrobs: Sheila McCarthy, Paule Baillargeon, Ann-Marie MacDonald

LoFi Magic: shadow orchestra, luminous art, ladies walking on water, the tone-on-tone David Bowie at-the-office look 

Makes me want to: watch more movies with an 80s room tone

Candotti takes: “For an evening movie, it’s good. It’s kind of like a chamomile tea.” / “Virginia Woolf could write this story. They speak very delicately.” / “This is a scene I’d fast forward as a child. OK, she’s burning pictures and crying - next scene.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes (we’ll bring over the DVD)

#arthouse #indie #queercinema #cultfilm #dollparts #patriciarozema #sheilamccarthy #tseliot #canada #ottowa #torono #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest


After Hours

