Toronto, Canada
David Cronenberg
Erotic Thriller
What’s it all about: James Spader tries to spice up his marriage (and Holly Hunter her career) by turning to the hot new sex trend that isn’t: fetishizing fatal car accidents.
First Encounter: in the theater, where people did in fact walk out
Prostitute Index: high
Death By: failure to yield
Relics: performance art; pins to set a broken leg
Heartthrob: Rosanna Arquette
LoFi Magic: Rosanna Arquette’s orthopedic S&M body brace; the slow-motion steel works of the opening credits
Makes me want to: buckle up
Candotti take: “Holly Hunter. rsrsrs”
@lucasholt take: “I feel like I’m watching a gif.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#sex #cars #violence #masterpiece #bomb #davidcronenberg #airporthooker #fetish #lgbtqcinema #rosannaarquette #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest