Eating Raoul


Los Angeles, California

Paul Bartel

Black Comedy

What’s it all about: Sexually-harassed nurse Mary Woronov and her abstinent husband Paul Bartel find a solution to their money problems when they discover that the aggressive swingers in their building are loaded with cash and easy to kill.

First Encounter: first viewing, a @bleokrash recco

Prostitute Index: high

Death By: frying pan

Relics: thai stick, swingers, opening a restaurant with $20,000 

Heartthrob: Mary Woronov

LoFi Magic: taking out an entire swingers’ party with one hot tub; psychedelic apartment lighting achieved in post

Makes me want to: cue up more by Paul Bartel, and also “Parents” with Mary Beth Hurt

Candotti take: Very colorful and fast, I like that way of thinking. Not much biting to finally eat it. One bite, one action.

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

#blackcomedy #blandenchilada #chicano #robertbaltran #paulbartel #maryworonov #howtolooksexyonthephone #swingers #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest


Princess Caraboo


A Breed Apart