Shadows and Fog
Woody Allen
What’s it all about: Mia Farrow runs away to un-join the circus. Lily Tomlin gives long odds to the chances for love. And Julie Kavner holds a delicious grudge for being left at the altar. It helps to go in knowing that this drifty piece of art is a 90s homage to German Expressionism.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: high (Lily Tomlin, Kathy Bates and Jodie Foster)
Death By: strangler on the loose
Relics: circus people, magic tricks
Heartthrob: John Malkovich, Madonna
LoFi Magic: brothel conversations, studio fog and starry sky
Makes me want to: occasionally drift off to sleep. The actors in this film speak at just the right level, intimate and clear, not the inaudible whisper of today’s TV dramas.
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#woodyallen #atworst #stillthebest #kafka #blackandwhite #shadowsandfog #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest