Knife + Heart
Paris, France
Yann Gonzalez
Gay Romantic Slasher Thriller
What’s it all about: A creepy killer is stalking gay porn actors, inspiring Vanessa Paradis to keep the camera rolling and somehow win back her ex.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: high
Death By: switchblade dildo
Relics: gay porn troupes, green vinyl trench coat
Heartthrob: Pierre Emö
LoFi Magic: flashlights for the darkroom, a dance floor scene done right
Makes me want to: be french
Candotti take: (see comments)
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#cinémadulook #pornwithplot #bouchedor #sofrench #yanngonzalez #vanessaparadis #uncouteaudanslecoeur #husbandotti #filmfest