The Aggressives
New York City
Daniel Peddle
What’s it all about: “Paris is Burning” for lesbians and faggots who were assigned female at birth.
First Encounter: free -
Prostitute Index: low
Death By: reinvention
Relics: 2-way pager, bling grillz, The Ricki Lake Show
Hoops: disapproving mothers
Heartthrobs: Marquise Balenciaga, Kisha Batista
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: The Latex Ball
LoFi Magic: walking the ball, home-fried chicken, how to make a dildo in prison
Words to live by: “If you’re going to be aggressive, do it right.” / “It’s fun. It’s really fun. Being a lesbian is fun.”
Candotti Take: n/a
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#gaysfordays #filmfest #theaggressives #houseoflatex #thelatexball #danielpeddle #marquisebalenciaga #trevonhaynes #kishabatista #grillz #acebandage #ducttape #superstars #dykiebroads #houseofrickilake #friedchicken #gramercyhouse #queercinema #lgbtqfilm #genderedexperience #lesbianfilm #criterion #criterioncollection #husbandotti #unseenhorses