Ginger and Fred


Roma, Italy

Federico Fellini

Comedy Extravaganza

What’s it all about: was 1986 the artistic nadir you vaguely remember it to be? Yes, it was.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: exposition

Relics: variety show, live audience, gratuitous reporters with microphones and tape recorders

Heartthrob: Giulietta Masina

LoFi Magic: lurid sausage ads, plastic tarps as stage curtains

Makes me want to: plan my Halloween costume now

Candotti take: "Italian movie is always like a slow bite. Like when you see a cow biting slowly and looking at you and their mouth is moving very slowly to the left and then the right. And then they turn their head and look back to the horizon." / “It seems the director gave up.” / “If I had to judge Federico Fellini by this movie, he’s horrible.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: No

#showbiz #felliniesque #cheektocheek #artindieoldie #fellini #weareproudtopresent #husbandotti #filmfest


Belle de Jour


Crimes of Passion