Upper West Side
Stuart Rosenberg
What’s it all about: Elliot Gould can’t keep his khakis on for anyone but his wife
First Encounter: the steamroller gag is a somewhat disturbing childhood memory; Candotti’s first viewing
Death By: neuroses
Relics: back hair, avocado green, fixing a pantyhose run with nail polish
Heartthrob: Elliott Gould
LoFi Magic: hidden faces, gut-punching fantasy sequence, steam-rolled cardboard cutout
Makes me want to: spend more time in Central Park
Candotti take: “I liked seeing his hairy body. This is what connected me to the movie.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
#elliottgould #hiramjaffe #backhair #wetlowerlip #joellieber #husbandotti #artindieoldie #filmfest