Night of the Comet
Los Angeles, California
Thom Eberhardt
Sci-Fi Horror Comedy
What’s it all about: The rare horror film in which the Easy Girl survives to be the Final Girl. Prescient because the ones who stay home survive, while those who attend comet parties are zapped into powder.
First Encounter: in the theaters with my cousins; first time for Candotti
Death By: comet zombies
Relics: argyle socks, high score on Tempest, Sandinistas
Heartthrob: Kelli Maroney
LoFi Magic: head-over-heels fist fight, tinted red skies, heaps of red dust and 80s clothes on the pavement
Makes me want to: spend the afternoon at an arcade playing anything but Tempest
Candotti take: “It that a real movie? Was that movie made for the theaters? Not because it’s bad, I like it a lot. I like the creative.” / “The bodies on the floor, the powder, they look like they all became cinnamon.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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