The House of Yes
McLean Virginia
Mark Waters
Black Comedy
What’s it all about: Give Parker Posey a loaded gun and a pillbox hat and there’s nothing she can’t do. Also starring Tori Spelling as a piece of wood.
First Encounter: Candotti’s first viewing, courtesy of @lucasholt
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: reenactment
Relics: actors with carbface, interest in the Kennedys
Heartthrob: Parker Posey
LoFi Magic: Tori Spelling’s slow-motion run from the house (“She can’t even run” — Candotti)
Makes me want to: get the backstory on Tori’s hair and wardrobe — were these her ideas?
Candotti take: “It’s a movie that’s out there, but it’s not a movie that you must watch.”
Lucas take: “The happy-ending music sounds confused, like, is it a happy ending?”
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
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