The Last Seduction
New York
John Dahl
Feel-Good Noir
What’s it all about: Linda Fiorentino shows us how to use a chainlink fence
First Encounter: at the movies; a Candotti pick
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: feminine wiles
Relics: local calls, hand-written notes, $2 Manhattans; pencil-dialing, want-ad circling, office venetian blinds; plane tickets, briefcases full of money, the classic New York skyline
Heartthrob: Linda Fiorentino
LoFi Magic: homemade lightning
Makes me want to: meet Horst and Kiki at Club Berlin for drinks
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#90snoir #artindieoldie #wendykroy #femmefatale #thelastseduction #husbandotti #filmfest