The Matrix Resurrections
The Matrix
Lana Wachowski
Sci-Fi Snoozer
What’s it all about: Three hours of lifeless dialogue crammed into a 2.5 hour movie. Instead of action sequences, evil cliché gays Neil Patrick Harris and Jonathan Groff take turns popping up to read from The Matrix instruction manual in tedious real time. Keanu Reeves – freshly yanked from his sensory deprivation tank by a rogue team of Dos Caminos servers – gets so bored on his quest to save Carrie-Anne Moss from becoming a field hockey mom, that he has to stop and watch clips from the old Matrix movies just to remind himself why he (or any of us) is even here.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: mass transit shootings and people plunging from skyscrapers to explode on the pavement (way to keep up with the times, Matrix)
Relics: signature F/X that were impressive 20 years ago
Hoops: millennial cast members who have to explain the meta of why something is great in the hopes that millennial audience members will care
Heartthrobs: Keanu Reeves, Toby Onwumere
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: the name “Trinity”
LoFi Magic: the Canal Street sunglasses everyone is wearing
Makes me want to: watch “River’s Edge”
Candotti Take: “He is already giving me the impression that he must be horrible in bed.” / “Hollywood is over.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
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