Blade Runner
Los Angeles, California
Ridley Scott
Sci-Fi Noir
What’s it all about: In futuristic LA, the only pretty people left are lifelike replicants with just 4 years to live. Rutger Hauer spends his final moments philosophizing in the rain. Joanna Cassidy wisely opts to dance with a snake instead.
First Encounter: cable tv (but with the wrong ending); Candotti’s first viewing
Prostitute Index: medium
Death By: retirement
Relics: Atari, Pan Am, Schlitz
Hoops: ubiquitous showgirls passing through the narrow backstage hallway of a theater; using little people to make a sci-fi world feel more exotic
Heartthrobs: Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer (the entire cast really)
LoFi Magic: Joanna Cassidy’s fish bowl hair dryer; also, crashing through not one but five windows in her epic transparent-raincoat chase scene
Makes me want to: eat noodles with Edward James Olmos in a hovercraft
Candotti take: “You see? Curly hair destroys any face.” / “There’s not much dialogue which is good.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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