


John Cassavetes

Improvisation / Indie Drama

What’s it all about: It’s the late 1950s, and young people look old. Lelia Goldini has two big brothers to pick on her and protect her, so she ventures out into the jazz scene and the literary world in search of a man who can hit the right note.  

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: working at a third-rate night club

Relics: basement jazz party, smoking in bed, Central Park before beer pong and magnolia cupcakes

Hoops: Gena Rowlands having a heated discussion about existential psychoanalysis at a literary circle cocktail party 

Heartthrobs: Lelia Goldini, Ben Carruthers

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: 50s haircare products

LoFi Magic: waking up with jazz musician brothers, slow dancing with Lelia Goldini

Words to live by: “You know, despite your horrible exterior, it’s you I like.”

Makes me want to: look into leather jackets

Candotti Take: n/a

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

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Evil Under the Sun

