

New York City

Susan Seidelman

Post-Punk Drama

What’s it all about:  It’s the early 80s in New York, and everyone is named Susan. Dinner is an egg and a cigarette, and living in a van by the river is a viable option. No one seems to like Susan Berman, especially women, in part because she steals everything she sees, from sunglasses to peanut butter to punk rock boyfriends.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: high

Death By: having to move back to NJ

Relics: long distance rates going down at 11pm, the national anthem station sign-off on late-night TV. 

Hoops: throwing someone’s clothes out the window when you’re kicking them out

Heartthrobs: Richard Hell, Kitty Summerall

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: The Peppermint Lounge

LoFi Magic: dumping a bucket of water on the evictee for good measure; Chris Noth as a prostitute

Words to live by: “Tell me the truth, am I like really awful or something?”

Makes me want to: go for lunch at Cafe Orlin (sadly, closed)

Candotti Take: “A lesson not to be a parasite. 20s, 30s, 40s - be independent at any age.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

#punk #postpunk #indiefilm #femaledirector #smithereens #susanseidelman #goddess #legend  #nyinthe80s #chrisnoth #richardhell #susanberman #bradrijn #thefeelies #xerox #groupie #creep #grafitti #vanlife #pregentrifiednyc #criterion #criterioncollection #deep80s #sexwork #sexworkiswork #husbandotti #filmfest #unseenhorses



