Wait Until Dark


St Lukes Place, Greenwich Village New York

Terence Young

Suspense Thriller

What’s it all about: How does Audrey Hepburn do it? As a 60s housewife, she’s expected to be chic, thin, stylish, beautiful, supportive, cordial and cheery, all while being blind and without even the help of a cane. Luckily she can “see” by waving her outstretched arms around, and her elegance ensures that though she may trip, she will never fall.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: dirty double cross

Relics: gaslighting before it was fashionable; brass knuckles, switchblade, gentleman thugs

Hoops: “I do wish I could do things. You know, important things, like cook a soufflé, or pick a necktie, or choose the wallpaper for the bedroom. You know.”

Heartthrob: Samantha Jones

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Alan Arkin’s beat-poet bad guy look

LoFi Magic: John F. Kennedy as a small airport; trashing a blind woman’s kitchen when you’ve had enough of her affected elocution

Words to live by: “How would you like to do something difficult and terribly dangerous?” / “I’d love it.”

Makes me want to: nominate Julie Herrod as a camp classic icon. She’s over Audrey Hepburn from the very start.

Candotti Take: n/a

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

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