Making Love
Los Angeles
Arthur Hiller
What’s it all about: the first clue that Michael Ontkean is gay is that he’s married to a Charlie’s Angel. After failed attempts at cruising back alleys and LA’s hottest lunchtime leather bar, he finally meets Perseus (Harry Hamlin) and immediately tries to recreate his vanilla existence with a man, completely missing the point of being gay.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: medium
Death By: country music talent show
Relics: gays eating carbs, gays making love to woodwind music; macrame blanket, projector tv, Gilbert and Sullivan record collection
Hoops: smashing a plate to get your husband’s attention
Heartthrob: Michael Ontkean
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Kate Jackson
LoFi Magic: Harry Hamlin working out in jeans
Makes me want to: direct your attention to 1980’s “Taxi Zum Klo”
Candotti Take: “The worst words in the gay world are, ‘I love you.’ This means ‘The End.’”
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
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