The People vs. Larry Flynt
Milos Forman
Slapstick Biopic
What’s it all about: Woody Harrelson spends too much time in court, not enough time at Hustler parties. Courtney Love gives her peak performance in an opening dance scene, then it’s a long, agonizing wait for her character to die.
First Encounter: first viewing; a Candotti pick
Prostitute Index: low
Death By: bathtime
Relics: Hustler Magazine
Hoops: a diverse “Law & Order” medley of lower court judges
Heartthrob: one-eyed Crispin Glover
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Courtney Love; the song “Dream Weaver”
LoFi Magic: moonshine
Makes me want to: watch Sandra Bernhard in “King of Comedy”
Candotti Take: “It was a must-watch movie back then in Brazil.” / “A rare two hours movie that I watch it.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
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