


Fran Kranz

Talk Therapy Thriller

What’s it all about: Ann Dowd brings Martha Plimpton a flower arrangement, and there’s no telling if Martha is going to sniff its lovely bouquet or hurl it against the wall. When Dakota Johnson asked Maggie Gyllenhaal to take her to the bottom of the ocean, I’m pretty sure this is what they watched.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: high school shooting

Relics: n/a

Hoops: the local yokel who keeps trying to be hospitable even when it’s clear that the no-nonsense agent from out of town doesn’t appreciate the efforts

Heartthrob: Jason Isaacs

LoFi Magic: wide shots of a plastic ribbon tied to a fence

Makes me want to: trace Martha Plimpton’s career path from Pecker to here

Candotti Take: n/a

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

#naturalism #frankranz #marthaplimpton #anndowd #chamberdrama #airplanemovie #husbandotti #filmfest #unseenhorses


Death on the Nile