The Thing
John Carpenter
Sci-Fi Horror
What’s it all about: Kurt Russell works at a remote scientific research base that has plenty of weed, dynamite and expository dialogue, but only one scientist and no barbers. When neighboring Norwegians break the ice, a sleeping alien wakes up and comes a knockin. It’s winter in Antarctica, and it gets dark fast.
First Encounter: bits and pieces on HBO / VHS
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: chest chomp
Relics: boombox, roller skates, jive; flying saucers, radio shack-era computers
Hoops: splitting up when you should clearly stick together; going to investigate a noise even after you’ve seen what a gruesome horror it is; on top of everything, there’s a storm coming and no one can leave
Heartthrobs: Keith David, Richard Masur
LoFi Magic: Adrienne Barbeau as the voice of the pong-looking lab computer
Makes me want to: hang out with girls
Candotti Take: n/a
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes (dumb but scary af)
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