
Walking and Talking


Manhattan, New York

Nicole Holofcener

Indie Chick Flick

What’s it all about: It’s NYC in the 90s, and “Sex & The City” hasn’t happened yet. No one wears brand-name clothes, and being single is cause for therapy. Catherine Keener and Anne Heche do a lot more talking than walking, trying to keep their friendship cute while dating ugly guys. 

First Encounter: at the movies

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: falling off the window sill

Relics: long-distance phone bills and *69; jeans and sambas that are now back and style

Hoops: flirting through the cafe window; a wedding as the end; Allison Janney as a strong, supportive friend

Heartthrob: Liev Schreiber

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Todd Field’s goatee

LoFi Magic: obscene phone calls; Anne Heche using real toothpaste to onscreen-brush her teeth (take that, Nicole Kidman!)

Words to live by: “Do we really have to listen to this vagina music all the way there?”

Makes me want to: visit a lake house

Candotti Take: “Dating is a nightmare.” / “It was a good basic movie. A movie with light problems. Good.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

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