Kenneth Branagh
What’s it all about: It's the UK in the 60s, so there's lots of potato peeling, folksy wisdom, American r&b and excited talk about sweets. Kenneth Branagh spends his Poirot paycheck on a heartfelt love letter to his people, complete with a funeral and a girl who looks exactly like Saiorse Ronan.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: a foreshadowing cough
Relics: all the trappings of a lo-fi 20th century childhood
Hoops: falling for a Catholic girl when you're a Protestant; having dirt-poor, working-class parents who are also triple-threat PILFs; nominating Judi Dench for keeping her hands busy and struggling up the stairs.
Heartthrob: Jamie Dornan
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: 20th century childhood toys
LoFi Magic: a living-color stage play performed before a black-and-white audience
Makes me want to: return to Edinburgh
Candotti Take: n/a
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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