

Grand Rapids, MI

Paul Schrader

Xploitation Drama

What’s it all about: George C. Scott is devastated to learn his daughter has run away from church camp to do porn. When he’s told she’s really bad at it, he snaps completely. A lot of people would be a lot less beat up if they’d just tell him where she is.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: high

Death By: church camp

Relics: slim cameras, solid sedans, sledding as a major pastime; placing a want ad with the title in all caps

Hoops: a knife-wielding latin bad guy in an all-white suit; getting help from a hooker with a dream

Heartthrobs: Leslie Ackerman, Bibi Besch

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: George C. Scott’s polyester shirts

LoFi Magic: slow-motion ass kicking through consecutive fake walls at a dominatrix palace

Makes me want to: go sledding

Candotti Take: “The daughter was kind of ugly.” / “He seems more violent than the people who work in the sex world. He is violent in real life.” / “I’m kind of scared with this character, this father.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

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