The Sharks (Los Tiburones)
Lucía Garibaldi
Coming-of-age Drama
What’s it all about: When landscaper Federico Morosini seduces the boss’s daughter, it’s the boss’s daughter who comes for him. With no car to key, Romina Bentancur takes it out on his fishing boat with a bag of bloody meat.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: hitting puberty in a remote village
Relics: using all the hot water when you fail a test
Hoops: parents who side with your sister (even if you did scar her face)
Heartthrob: Federico Morosini
LoFi Magic: heavy breathing prank call; casual shark sighting at the beach
Makes me want to: mow the lawn
Candotti Take: “Never trust a latina.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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