Blow Out


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Brian De Palma

Noir Romance Thriller

What’s it all about: Sound effects artist John Travolta is ear-witness to a murder, but it turns out not to be his first. Nancy Allen makes a strong case for watching this entire film on mute.

First Encounter: first viewing; our first watch-along with @mlepeska 

Prostitute Index: high

Death By: Liberty Bell Strangler

Relics: sideburns, smoking at the hospital, reel-to-reel tape

Heartthrob: John Travolta

LoFi Magic: auditions for slasher-film screamers; killer/victim log-roll tumble into a construction site; Travolta sharing the screen with frog, owl and fireworks

Makes me want to: 

@mlepeska take: Omg hahahhahahahahah this movie was so f*cking bad. Brian De Palma’s visuals and John Travolta’s wigs were wasted on this one. Plot was bonkers but also boring? John Lithgow fails to understand basics of blackmail and wants to get use out of murder watch?  Good parts were the owl, the face John Travolta made while slow motion running, and bad fireworks green screen. Heartthrob for sure is young Dennis Franz in dirty tank top. Hahahahha I laughed thru the whole end.

Worth a watch/rewatch: No (“bonkers but also boring”)

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Love in the Afternoon