Monte Carlo
Alfred Hitchcock
Drama Mystery Romance
What’s it all about: Joan Fontaine is clumsy and stupid and silly and awkward and stands there shouting when she should go on walking and orders breakfast when she’s not really hungry and makes frightful small talk about drowning and gossip, but Lawrence Olivier marries her anyway because let’s face it he’s very gay in this movie.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: ship’s tackle
Relics: cold cream, house phones, outbursts, high-waisted men’s trousers
Heartthrob: Lawrence Olivier
LoFi Magic: Florence Bates’s sharp-tongued comments as the cause for a sleepless night; strolling through a mix of green screened, staged and actual coastline
Makes me want to: casually refer to Monte Carlo as “Monte” in everyday conversation
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
#talkie #lengthy #hitchcock #breeding #brains #beauty #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest