King Solomon’s Mines
J. Lee Thompson
Action Adventure Romance
What’s it all about: Africa is riddled with elaborate booby traps because even though everyone there has a gun or a spear, no one knows how to use them. Sharon Stone hires Indiana Jones’s half-cousin, Quatermain, to take her there.
First Encounter: a Candotti childhood favorite; first viewing for me
Prostitute Index: low
Death By: various pits (crocodile, lava, quicksand, etc.)
Relics: villainous Germans, 80s sexism and racism, dynamite
Heartthrob: Ken Gampu
LoFi Magic: an upside-down tribe; making a getaway in a giant cooking pot
Makes me want to: see the sequel featuring a lost tribe of white people
Candotti take:
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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