Jules and Jim


Black Forest

François Truffault

Romantic Drama 

What’s it all about: Jeanne Moreau has the smile of a cursed sculpture, which spells trouble for best friends Oskar Werner and Henri Serre, who had matching suits made for the occasion. 

First Encounter: sometime in college; Candotti’s first viewing

Prostitute Index: nil

Death By: impetuous driving

Relics: Edward Gorey-era swimsuits and boxing attire; hourglass; superstition about putting a hat on a bed 

Heartthrobs: Henri Serre, Serge Rezvani

LoFi Magic: freeze-frame facial expressions, a dizzying camera, actors running everywhere

Makes me want to: see how good/bad the remake is with Michael Ontkean and Margot Kidder

Candotti take: a very slow menage a trois

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

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King Solomon's Mines

