Dario Argento
What’s it all about: Fresh from auditions for “The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries,” Jessica Harper enrolls at a dance academia in Germany, even though she can’t dance. Her most interesting roommate (Barbara Magnolfi) disappears!But not because of evil forces – this film just tends to lose its own plot.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: razor wire
Relics: slumber party, old suitcases with no wheels, hair brushing before bed
Heartthrob: Miguel Bosé
LoFi Magic: maggot attack, stained glass attack, undead dance student attack
Makes me want to: skip ahead to the Tilda Swinton remake
Candotti take: By the time she is talking to the psychiatrist, it’s over.
Worth a watch/rewatch: No (go with “Deep Red”)
#gore #bore #suspiria #darioargento #miguelbosé #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest