Big Trouble in Little China


Chinatown, San Francisco

John Carpenter

Action Comedy

What’s it all about: Back when men were men and women had to wear tinted contact lens to get the part, Kurt Russell and Dennis Dun lead random herds of people on a supernatural adventure through the basement of a P.F. Chang’s. 

First Encounter: Blockbuster; Candotti and Lucas’s first viewing

Prostitute Index: high

Death By: flying blades and various hells

Relics: CB radio, “cast of thousands,” casual 80s racism, Kim Cattrall before Samantha Jones

Heartthrobs: James Wong, Kurt Russell, Suzee Pai (type cast once again)

LoFi Magic: soft typing, ancient escalator, levitation from behind; neon-trimmed Chinese decor 

Makes me want to: tamp a cone and watch another 80s action comedy

Candotti take: “A very easy plot for the actors. All they have to do is scream a lot.” / “A lot of testosterone in that movie.”

@lucasholt take: “The writers’ room was a very powdery place.” / “It’s like listening to The Joe Rogan podcast.” /  “The rain budget for this movie was high.” 

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes

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Madame Claude


A Kiss Before Dying