A Kiss Before Dying
Manhattan, New York
James Dearden
Mystery Crime Thriller
What’s it all about: It’s 1991, and nothing can help Sean Young’s hair – stacked ombre poodle wigs, Clairol bleach blonde, Golden Girls bubble, pixie with sideburns – nothing. When she finally gets it right, Matt Dillon tries to kill her.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: Matt Dillon
Relics: steamy love scenes, stand-in breasts, bulky outfits
Hoops: making love with the sheets pulled up to waist-level, a killer who knows what you’re up to, finding the box that explains everything
Heartthrobs: Matt Dillon, Sean Young
LoFi Magic: a green-screen plunge off a building a la Hans Gruber in “Die Hard”
Makes me want to: see more 90-minute date-night crime thrillers
Candotti take: “She was trying to find out about who killed her sister but she forgot to find out that she was a lesbian.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#remake #thriller #90shair #seanyoung #mattdillon #adrock #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest