The Human Voice
Pedro Almodovar
Drama Short
What’s it all about: Tilda Swinton chews the scenery and the scenery chews right back in a tour de force of melodramatics and design aesthetics.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: breakup
Relics: n/a
Heartthrob: Tilda Swinton
LoFi Magic: household tools as typeface; emotional state expressed as a wire dressmaker’s dummy; world’s most stylish corner hardware store
Makes me want to: revisit the bed burning scene from “Women on the Verge” and also “Vanya on 42nd Street”
Candotti take: A good monologue. I liked the colors. For the first time ever she got some sun tan.
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#theatrical #playadaptation #pandemicproduction #soliloquy #onewomanshow #almodovar #tildaswinton #jeancocteau #chanel #red #krups #decor #soundstage #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest