Strange Voices
New York
Arthur Allan Seidelman
What’s it all about: Nancy McKeon and Valerie Harper play the title roles in a made-for-TV movie about New York accents and schizophrenia.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: voices that tell all your sister’s secrets
Relics: Radio Shack computer, 80s hair sculptures, Heathers-style blazer outfits
Hoops: having your worst episode at a party in front of all your friends, telling off a judgey neighbor, destroying the architecture model you’ve worked so hard on as a metaphor for your ruined life
Heartthrob: Tricia Leigh Fisher
LoFi Magic: none
Makes me want to: never have schizophrenia
Candotti take: I like that the movie starts straight to the point, the first jogging and she already has some problems.
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#tvmovie #valerieharper #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest