The Rapture


Los Angeles, California

Michael Tolkin


What’s it all about: After sex with young David Duchovny proves unfulfilling, Mimi Rogers starts seeing God. But it turns out Mimi simply can’t be satisfied, and God is a demanding boyfriend who shows no affection and ghosts her in the desert. 

First Encounter: first viewing; a Laura Dennis reco!

Prostitute Index: medium (David Duchovny has “done things for money”)

Death By: disgruntled ex-employee

Relics: vertical blinds; calling Information; throwing out Business Reply Cards while flipping through a magazine

Heartthrob: David Duchovny

LoFi Magic: bossa nova for swingers, falling prison bars as percussion

Makes me want to: see “The New Age” by same director with Judy Davis and Peter Weller

Candotti take: The first 20 minutes are great, then it becomes a different movie.

Worth a watch/rewatch: No

#davidduchovny #mimirogers #baggyjeansareback #crytalking #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest




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