Baltimore, Maryland
John Waters
Comedy, Melodrama
What’s it all about: Divine is a good Christian woman tormented by her sex-crazed family, a foot stomper terrorizing the suburban women of Baltimore, and her overactive sense of smell.
First Encounter: high school, Candotti’s first viewing
Prostitute Index: low
Death By: macramé
Relics: angel dust, freebasing, aerosol, binaca blast, Tab
Heartthrob: Tab Hunter, Paul Hunter
LoFi Magic: pizza-delivery rape fantasy; convent full of pregnant teens; tire biting; foot stomper art; high-pressure AA meeting; thunderstorm hayride; psycho-violin puberty score; dialog like, “Scrub down any interesting toilets lately?”
Makes me want to: check back in with “Desperate Living,” “Pink Flamingos” and “Multiple Maniacs”
Candotti take: a good movie for sleeping
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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