Touki Bouki
Djibril Diop Mambéty
Drama Farce
What’s it all about: Magaye and Myriam Niang are fashion icons waiting to happen, if they can just figure out how to ride their cow-horned motorcycle from Senegal to Paris.
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: low
Death By: boredom
Relics: animal slaughter, bell bottoms, excited children running alongside when the hero comes to town
Heartthrob: Magaye Niang, Myriam Niang
LoFi Magic: montage style, single camera film-making; cow-back riding
Makes me want to: be more daring in my color combinations; also, piece things together with pins and tape
Candotti take: looks like those short films in the dark rooms of an art gallery, always screaming and always loud.
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#journeyofthehyena #poetry #modernity #mambéty #hippy #longhorn #goat #myriamniang #josephinebaker #senegal #africancinema #husbandotti #unseenhorses #filmfest