Arrebato (Rapture)


Madrid, Spain

Ivan Zulueta

Low-budget Horror

What’s it all about: It’s the late 1970s, and Kodak film takes 4 whole days to process. Filmmakers Eusebio Poncela and Will More start to develop some serious heroin habits while waiting around.

First Encounter: Anus Films

Prostitute Index: low

Death By: time-lapse camera

Relics: Silly Putty, Betty Boop

Hoops: the kooky old lady who talks a lot for comic relief; gazpacho

Heartthrobs: Cecilia Roth, Marta Fernández Muro

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: 20th century toys

LoFi Magic: throwing a gauzy scarf over a lamp to create a mood

Candotti Take: “As a typical Spanish movie, they have to show some hairy cock, which was good.” / “Too weird. Too long, and not telling too much.” 

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes (when the narration gets too much, skip to the end)

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Saturday Night at the Baths

