Saturday Night at the Baths


Manhattan, NY

David Buckley

Queer Afterschool Special

What’s it all about: A young Mike Pence (Robert Aberdeen) takes a job as pianist at a gay bathhouse, and his girlfriend Ellen Sheppard encourages him to cross the fence with club manager Don Scotti so she can go to all the parties. Silly, Ellen, that’s not how that works.

First Encounter: first viewing

Prostitute Index: low

Death By: straights overrunning a gay space

Relics: the Riviera Cafe on 7th Avenue, bodies before corn syrup

Hoops: fixating on the reluctant straight guy from fly-over country

Heartthrob: Jerry the Dancer, Valerie Lemann, L. Tall 

Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Judy Garland drag

LoFi Magic: making out at a Bruce Weber gallery showing; masking an out-of-focus shot with credits; queer football huddle; picking out a wedgie onstage 

Makes me want to: go to The Eagle

Words to live by: “I haven’t talked to a woman in ages!”

Candotti Take: “Why they never go to the baths in this movie?”

@saululerio Take: (see comments)

Worth a watch/rewatch: No 

#gaysfordays #filmfest #steveostrow #ellensheppard #bruceweber #firstlesbian #secondlesbian #continentalbaths #deep70s #gaysinthe70s #newyork70s #disco #dragshow #bathhouse #queercinema #gayfilm #indiefilm #afterschoolspecial #husbandotti #unseenhorses


The Aggressives

