New York City
William Friedkin
X-rated Crime Thriller
What’s it all about: Al Pacino goes undercover to catch a killer in New York's gay leather scene and immediately develops body image issues–lifting weights, wearing heeled boots and standing on anything handy (curbs, park benches) to appear more masculine to his new dog-eat-dog community.
What’s so gay about it: real-life regulars of New York’s leather scene fill the bars and streets
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: high
Death By: steak knife
Relics: meat in the Meatpacking District; dance floor poppers served up on handkerchiefs
Hoops: the cop who won’t open up to his beautiful, patient girlfriend
Heartthrob: Henry Judd Baker
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Crisco
LoFi Magic: The Rambles shot as “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”; Precinct Night at the leather bar; Al Pacino dancing like no one is watching (as seen on the @herrerashow)
Makes me want to: check out “The Story of O” and other “European high porn of the 1960s”
Candotti Take: “A good gay bar leather scene that definitely faded in New York City. Crop top took over.” / “A lack of penis. Rated X for what? Showing too much hairy armpits?”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes (for the establishing shots alone)
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