The Comfort of Strangers
Venice, Italy
Paul Schrader
Psychological Thriller
What’s it all about: Christopher Walken’s story about his father’s mustache is so boring that even the camera wanders off to check out strangers around the bar. Rupert Everett is at peak perfection, and Natasha Richardson’s hair is the true star of the film.
What’s so gay about it: Venice can’t keep its hands off Rupert
First Encounter: VHS, Candotti’s first viewing
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: ignoring all the warning signs
Relics: Natasha’s one-piece at the beach; Venice before hyper-tourism
Hoops: Helen Mirren has kinks
Heartthrobs: Rupert Everett, Natasha Richardson
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: green-screen shots of Venice
LoFi Magic: gondola taxi; a sucker punch to show em who’s boss
Makes me want to: dress better on vacation
Candotti Take: “An Italian film with no Italians.” / “Her hair made the movie.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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