Last Exit to Brooklyn
Red Hook, Brooklyn
Uli Edel
What’s it all about: it’s Brooklyn in the 1950s, and it doesn’t matter who you are - hooker, baby, homosexual, factory worker, sailor, housewife, cop - you’re going to get your ass kicked.
First Encounter: VHS, Candotti’s first viewing
Prostitute Index: high
Death By: running into the street
Relics: rough trade
Hoops: a wife beater wearing a wife beater; sailors shipping out, waving from the decks
Heartthrob: Al Shannon
Pass/Fails the Test of Time: Stephen Baldwin
LoFi Magic: trans house party and cocktail lounge
Makes me want to: re-watch “Carol” or “Call Me By Your Name,” the first films I ever saw where the gays don’t meet tragic ends
Candotti Take: “When is this gay?” / “The best part of the movie was the brother’s chest.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
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