Absolute Beginners


Soho, London

Julien Temple

Noir Musical

What’s it all about: Teenagers and jazz musicians take on Neo-Nazis in a battle for Notting Hill.

First Encounter: probably the David Bowie music video on MTV

Prostitute Index: medium

Death By: “Killer Blow” as performed by Sade

Relics: smoking in bars, the London waterfront before floating parks

Heartthrob: Tony Hippolyte

LoFi Magic: high-heel cocktail shaking, spur of the moment fashion design on the catwalk, David Bowie on a giant typewriter 

Makes me want to: see live music again

Candotti take: “The people who made the DVD cover really lied to you because they made David Bowie the big star and he’s not.” 

Worth a watch/rewatch: No (you can see the Sade performance here https://youtu.be/rkS3L-XLUh8) 

#absolutebeginners #goldcrestfilms #raydavies #sadeadu #davidbowie  #husbandotti #artindieoldie #filmfest


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