Surviving Desire
Poughkeepsie, New York
Hal Hartley
Existential Love Story
What’s it all about: love with action has consequences, but love with dreams just has potential
First Encounter: first viewing
Prostitute Index: low (“why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”)
Death By: infatuation
Relics: writing poetry in a notebook, pay phones, the early ‘90s man crop™ (@lucasholt) and pixie
Heartthrob: Mary Ward
LoFi Magic: interpretive dance that begins on a parking gate (and ends in the gutter), the bustling crowd in the book store, “Rue Des Jours” by Ether
Makes me want to: read a short story and discuss
Candotti take: “Above all, it’s the best movie length ever in terms of timing.” (55 minutes)
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#cinemaofinquiry #americanplayhouse #loveandcherish #dostoevski #yolatengo #ether #halhartley #husbandotti #artindieoldie #filmfest