Vision Quest
Spokane, Washington
Harold Becker
Sports Romantic Comedy
What’s it all about: a homophobic movie about a homoerotic wrestling team that talks incessantly about sex, and then skips over the sex scene. Linda Fiorentino keeps her distance from start to finish.
First Encounter: in the theaters; a Candotti’s pick
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: nocturnal emission
Relics: deep 80s cheerleader perms, rapey virgins, a zillion slang words for the female anatomy
Heartthrob: Madonna
LoFi Magic: wrestling practice choreography, Madonna’s singing voice before computers
Makes me want to: trace Forest Whitaker’s career from here to “Ghost Dog” and beyond
Candotti take: “A bro movie.” / “A man with a pale neck is horrible.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: No
#visionquest #madonna #daphnezuniga #wrestlingsinglet #husbandotti #artindieoldie #filmfest