Point Blank


LA River

John Boorman

Crime Drama Thriller

What’s it all about: Lost in thought and dressed in his finest revenge wear, Lee Marvin settles some old scores in an art director’s dream of California.

First Encounter: VHS rental while living in San Francisco; Candotti’s first viewing 

Death By: sharpshooter

Relics: secretaries, marbled bedroom mirrors, jazz go-go club

Heartthrobs: Lee Marvin, Angie Dickinson

LoFi Magic: hard-boiled dialogue, below-the-belt fist fights; suspense in a makeup mirror, shots fired on an empty bed

Makes me want to: pour my heart out to Lee Marvin while he stares into space

Candotti take: “Charming, stylish and way smarter than James Bond.” / “He looks like a news presenter.”

Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes  

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Vision Quest

