Portland, Oregon
Gus Van Sant
Ethnographic Drama
What’s it all about: a reminder of why remote learning has its advantages.
First Encounter: my first viewing; Candotti saw it in 2004
Prostitute Index: nil
Death By: assault rifle
Relics: hemp choker necklaces, Britney hair, sideburns, textured shag carpet
Heartthrob: Nathan Tyson
LoFi Magic: cast of first-time actors, natural high school lighting, bent fork bracelet, cafeteria chatter as voices in head
Makes me want to: visit a leafy fall campus (Ithaca, check!)
Candotti take: “I don’t have a first impression. It is the first movie of all the movies that we’ve watched that I re-watched.”
Worth a watch/rewatch: Yes
#formalism #naturalism #elephant #artindieoldie #gusvansant #leslieshatz #trigger #husbandotti #filmfest #sayyestono_vember